Thursday, October 31, 2019
Human Resource Management for Service Industries Essay
Human Resource Management for Service Industries - Essay Example Organisations that have efficient HRM enable their workers to contribute productively and effectively to the overall enterprise direction and the achievement of the business goals and objectives. This essay is going to explain HRM by analyzing its role and purpose in the service industry and justify a human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for the restaurant service business. The essay will explain the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses by assessing the current state of employment relations in the restaurant service industry and discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources in a hospitality organization. The essay will finally discuss the recruitment and selection process by explaining job description and person specification through examples from a hospitality organization and then compare the selection methods and practices, barriers to effective selection and selection processes in different service industries. Wilkinson and Kannan (2013) defined HRM as a process of employing and developing workers so that they can become more helpful to the business and hence achieving the business targets more efficiently. The HRM conducts the job analysis, plans the personnel needs, recruits the individuals for various jobs, orients, and trains, manages wages and salaries, provides incentives and benefits, resolves disputes, evaluates performances, and communicates with the employees at all the levels. Individuals employed as human resource managers need to have extensive knowledge and skills of the industry they are working, portray excellent leadership capabilities and efficient negotiation skills. Kusluvan (2003) noted that restaurants are fast growing businesses that require the guidance of the HR to supervise activities such as performance management, recruitment, and staying in compliance with food-handling regulations and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What are the Marketing-Related Problems of Apple Essay
What are the Marketing-Related Problems of Apple - Essay Example Marketing is an important tool because it helps in boosting up the sales of the brand. It also helps to create the brand image in the minds of the consumers. In case of Apple marketing holds a very great importance because it has not only helped in creating the strong brand image of Apple but has contributed immensely to bridge the gap between the customers and the products offered by Apple. Apple has strong marketing practices but it is true that there are some problems associated as well. The first problem is related to the high innovation rate at Apple. Customers expect innovative products from Apple. But the problem that lies in is that the ads made by Apple usually do not provide the relevant information about the new innovations that have taken place. The ads project the product but do not project its essence and history or information. Customers know that the company is providing with fancy and expensive products and are lost in the charm of owning such products. Most of the c ustomers are least concerned about what the product is all about. But there are customers who want to know each and every detail of the product. So this poses a challenge for Apple to come up with a marketing strategy which could satisfy both type of the consumers. It causes a problem because Apple cannot afford to lose any one segment just because of the risky marketing. Another marketing-related problem faced by Apple is again regarding the new products. Customers expect that every marketing campaign will focus on a new product because rate of innovation at Apple is high. For Apple it is very difficult to keep up with the customers’ expectation and come up with innovative products and marketing campaigns at the same time. Failing to do so can tarnish the image of the brand. The third marketing related problem faced by Apple is its undefined target market. As mentioned before, Apple first innovates and then focuses on the target market for its products. In order to so it use s its marketing practices. An inefficient marketing campaign results in a failure and creates a huge problem for the company. Marketing is not a cheap game. It requires lot of resources. Its ads need to target the desired market segment. Marketing practices at Apple are not just related to ads and online advertising. It also includes opening up of retail stores in different parts of the world. Managing this practice is in itself a problem. Apple is critical of its marketing practice because it is afraid that what if the marketed product does not meet the customers’ expectations. This means that the marketing showed a totally different side of the product but in actual the product was different. Apple’s marketing practices creates hype for its products and at times it causes a problem for the company. An example that can be quoted here is of the iPhone. When it was launched, it was heavily promoted, resulting in long customer lines and a spot shortage. iPhone was initia lly very expensive but after the first 8 weeks of its launch, the company decreased the price of iPhone by $200. Loyal customers of Apple were caught short and this damaged the customer loyalty. In order to regain its customers Apple had to apologize publically (HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL 2007) The last and the most important marketing related problem faced by Apple is that of comparative advertising. Apple operates in a highly competitive industry. Since the very beginning Microsoft has been the largest competitor
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Personality Of The Crisis Worker
Personality Of The Crisis Worker I agree that not everyone is suitable to do crisis intervention work as there are many factors that need to be considered when doing crisis work. The main factor that is essential for any crisis intervention work is the characteristics and personality of the crisis worker. James Gilliland (2001, p.17) claim that effective crisis workers share a number characteristics and such workers demonstrate competency in their professional skills. Before we analyze the crisis worker, we need to understand crisis, crisis intervention and the difference between other therapies and crisis intervention because of the need to understand how the role of the intervener differs from other therapies and what are the characteristics that is needed specifically for the crisis intervention. There are many definitions of crisis but a summarized definition would be that crisis is a perception or experiencing of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the persons current resources and coping mechanisms, (James Gilliland, 2001, p.3). A similar definition of crisis is by Roberts (2000) who views crisis as a period of psychological disequilibrium, experienced as a result of a hazardous event or situation that constitutes a significant problem that cannot be remedied by using familiar coping strategies (p.7). There are many types of crisis and crisis is not simple but is complex and difficult to understand. It is essential that the individual is able to get relief from the crisis because the crisis causes disruption and breakdown to an individuals ongoing pattern of everyday functioning. If the crisis is not handled, the situation would tend to immobilize them and they will be unable to control their lives. Apart from that, a crisis can cause individua ls to have affective, behavioural and cognitive malfunctioning. Crisis intervention is an internal helping response and is defined as methods used to offer short term immediate help to individuals who have experienced an event that produces mental, physical, emotional and behavioural distress, (Mitchell, n.d. para.1). The ultimate goal of crisis intervention is reducing the dangers of the crisis and allow it to be resolved positively allowing the individual to go on and thrive in life (Echterling, Presbury, McKee, 2005, p.25). This intervention will focus on resolving the immediate problem to prevent further deterioration and to prevent negative outcome. An article by Center for School Mental Health Assistance (2002) states that, crisis intervention will restore a sense of equilibrium for the individual in crisis and give them the ability to creatively problem-solve and feel efficacious. Crisis intervention differs from other therapies and traditional counselling because it focuses on short term strategies to prevent damage during and immediately after the experience of trauma, (Mitchell, n.d. para.5). This intervention is oriented in the present and focuses on the immediate problem which disrupts people from controlling their life. The interveners role is to offer immediate assistance to the individual who is struggling with a complex situation and assist them to go on and achieve a meaningful resolution (Echterling, Presbury, McKee, 2005, p.25). In comparison to crisis intervention, other therapies deal with the totality of the individuals personality and life issues and tend to be long term as they aim to improve the clients mental health and personal wellbeing with an attempt to remediate more or less ongoing emotional problems. This only escalates to a crisis when there are threats to fulfilment, safety or meaningful existence (James Gilliland, 2001, p.8-9) an d this is where the crisis worker takes over. To be a crisis worker, the helper has to have certain qualities to be able to intervene during the crisis and life experiences of the intervener are an important aspect to handle a crisis. These life experiences serve as a resource for emotional maturity that combined with training, enables workers to be stable, consistent and well integrated not only within the crisis situation but also in their daily lives (James Gilliland, 2001, p.13). When a worker has previous experience of going through a crisis and comes across another individual who is in the similar crisis, they will be able to use their background as a resource to deal with the crisis. For example a crisis worker has previously made suicide attempts and has dealt with it, now has a client who is on the verge of attempting suicide. The crisis worker will be able to help the client overcome the issue because of the first hand experience of the crisis. James Gilliland (2001) suggest that people who usually do crisis interven tion are products of their own crisis environment and they have chosen to work with people experiencing the same kind of crisis they themselves have suffered, and they use their experiential background when working with people in crisis (p.13). Apart from this, life experiences means the helper has emotional maturity and it can enhance the dept and sensitivity with which the clients are treated. One other characteristic that is essential for a crisis helper is remaining poised because the nature of crisis intervention is that the worker is often confronted with shocking and threatening materials from clients who are completely out of control, (James Gilliland, 2001, p.14). When a helper remains poised in a situation where the client is out of control, there are chances that the stress level of the client will not be escalated. As the helper models this trait to the client, soon a stable atmosphere and a state of composure can be achieved. Eventually the situation will be brought into control and any immediate danger will be diffused. This trait of calming the victim and the situation has to be deeply abided within the helper and cannot be taught. Aguilera Messick (1982) stated that creativity and flexibility are major assets to those confronted with perplexing and seeming unsolvable problems (p.24). All crisis helpers are equipped with many skills and these skills have to be used in specific and creative ways personalized to the clients needs and crisis. Sometimes to solve the crisis, untraditional and unconventional approaches need to be used. Helpers also cannot approach a crisis with a fixed and rigid formula but instead should have a tentative plan for how to address it, combined with a readiness to let go of that approach if it does not work, (Miller, 2012, p.6). Creating solutions is time sensitive and by being flexible to try and use different approaches, the helper will be more effective to lead the client through a comfortable intervention. Energy and resiliency are required for crisis intervention as crisis situations can be very demanding. Being energized is largely dependent on the worker themselves to take care of their own physical and psychological needs so that their energy level remains high (James Gilliland, 2001, p.15). Resilience on the other hand is also essential because it is natural for helpers to face failure no matter how capable or committed they were and when times of failure arise, helpers need be able to move forward and not face a meltdown. As mentioned previously, crisis intervention compared to other therapies is time critical and helpers must have quick mental reflexes to deal with the constantly emerging and changing issues that occur in the crisis, (James Gilliland, 2001, p.15). Helpers need to be able to think quickly on their feet and make quick evaluations and decisions as there is no time to reflect and slowly mull over the crisis. There is also a need for the helper to be comfortable in making decisions on their own because most of the time, they do not have another person supervising them. Finally, one of the other trait a crisis helper should posses is the potential and desire to grow and change. Doing crisis intervention is not a static work as there is constant and rapid change in this field. The helper needs to change after each contact with a client because successful resolution of the crisis results in two products, the first is helping the client overcome the crisis and second, effecting positive change in the helper as a result of the encounter, (James Gilliland, 2001, p.15). In conclusion, I agree that not everyone is suitable to do crisis intervention because a crisis requires helpers who share a number of characteristics to demonstrate competency in their professional skills. Helpers ought to maintain poise when confronting a situation, to be creative and flexibility in their approach to deal with the situation, to be able to have energy and resilience, to be able to have quick mental reflexes and also have the potential to grow from each encounter of crisis. All of these characteristics are of enormous value to the helper and to the client and without them it is unlikely to be able to assist the client to reduce the dangers of crisis and facilitate a positive resolution. (1471 words)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Magical Realism in The Garden of Forking Paths Essay -- Garden of Fork
Magical Realism in The Garden of Forking Paths While there may be some debate as to whether the Argentinian Jorge Luis Borges was technically a Magical Realist, some may feel that his works definitely do have some of the characteristics of what is considered Magical Realistic literature. Among his various types of works are poetry, essays, fantasies, and short fictions. Often referred to in essays that discuss the history and theory of Magical Realism, "The Garden of Forking Paths" is probably Borges' most popular short story. Published in 1964 in a collection of Borges works entitled Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings, his short story "The Garden of Forking Paths" appears to have several of the elements of Magical Realism. At a glance, the main plot of "The Garden of Forking Paths" may seem fairly simple and very real. In this story the main character, Yu Tsun, is a German spy who knows the name of the British artillery park. Yu Tsun wants to tell his chief about this British artillery park so that the Germans can destroy it. However, Yu Tsun is afraid that Captain Richard Madden, who is on the British side, will shoot him before he is able to get the word out in time. Therefore, Yu Tsun comes up with the plan to go to a Dr. Stephen Albert's house and shoot him. By shooting Stephen Albert, Yu Tsun relays the message to his chief in Berlin that Albert is the city where the British artillery park is located (Wiehe 980). A reader can see that the realist elements in "The Garden of Forking Paths" are that the story is taking place during World War I, that the story involves real people who are spies, and that the story is based on a fairly logical plot. The term "fairly logical plot" is us... ...mmunity. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 163-186. Flores, Angel. "Magical Realism in Spanish American Fiction." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 109-116. Roh, Franz. "Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 15-30. Simpkins, Scott. "Sources of Magic Realism/Supplements to Realism in Contemporary Latin American Literature." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 145-157. Wiehe, Roger E. "Jorge Luis Borges." Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Vol 3. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, 1981: 977-982. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Summarization of Antonin Scalia-God’s Justice and Ours
God's Justice and Ours†Antonin Scalia opens up his introduction stating he wants to make clear that his moral views on capital punishment do not have persuasion on how his referendums in capital cases that come to the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Antonin Scalia is not daunted to state his views on church-state issues and has consistently shown he has scant use for the First Amendment's separation of church and state.In an essay he rites titled, â€Å"God's Justice and Ours,†Scalia explains why he is compelled to support the death penalty despite his church's opposition to the practice. Moreover, he explains his worldview about how a government acquires moral authority and why the nation-state can permissibly eradicate its own citizens. He concludes that government is an instrument of God and an institution that operates with â€Å"divine authority behind†it.In addition, he goes on to write that people of faith should fght as effectively as possible†any ef fort to â€Å"obscure†our government's religious underpinnings. However, the complication is that Scalia is one-ninth of this country's highest Judicial body. He has unique responsibilities that demand strict neutrality and objectivity. While Scalia can be credulous on whatever he wants about issues of faith, he may not practice religion as the basis for Judicial rulings.In short, he avowed on the Bible to uphold the Constitution, not the other way around. In conclusion, Scalia has relinquished any pretense about keeping a healthy distance between the institutions of religion and government. He has consciously and intentionally turned his back on the framework set up by the Founding Fathers, which created a secular government based on a secular Constitution adopted by â€Å"we the people. †Our laws were not created to enforce a divine authority, however according to the Constitution, to â€Å"form a more perfect union.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Importance of Water Essay
In order to fulfill his desires, man exploits the environmental factors to a greater extent, by which the environment loses its natural capacity for self-stabilization. The impact of man’s various activities that are detrimental to the environment are: * Increase in population density. * Rapid urbanization * Massive industrial growth * Inadequate food and * Depletion of resources. To meet the increasing demands of time, human beings deliberately exploit the natural environment to improve their quality of life. Unknowingly, different environmental activities such as construction of roads dams, airports, buildings, irrigation projects, power plants and industries have some negative repercussions on the environment in which man lives. Thus, the developmental activities are unsustainable for global ecosystem. But we cannot stop these activities. For the development of the nation, these activities are essential. Industrial growth is directly related to nation’s economy. Construction of major and minor irrigation projects and development of new power plants must not be frozen. Hence at the present context, when man has reached at twenty first century, no body would want for technological stagnation. On the other hand, excessive exploitation of the environment through these technological implications leads to disaster. Hence, there is the problem of one word â€Å"pollution. †So what is needed is the environmental management and sustainable development. â€Å"Sustainable development is implied to regulate the demands of man in such a manner that the ability of the same environment to sustain his development will remain un-repaired,.  is the version of Bindu N. Lohani. Hence much emphasis is given on environmental management and sustainable development. â€Å"It is as a discipline by itself is growing rapidly and no way it proposes to halt economic growth and to stop technical development; rather it aims at achieving that sustainable rate of economic growth which is necessary to meet man’s material needs whilst conserving scarce natural resources and protecting both the external and the internal environments,†says Dr. Uma Shankar, senior faculty member of Management Development Institute, New Delhi. Hence, sustainable development and environmental management are essential for improvement both the quality of the environment and the quality of human life. For that source areas are identified to give utmost priorities.
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