Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Information System
1. 4. 4 Information Systems for the Banking and Financial Sector: Audit is one of the significant controls for observing administration exercises in the banks and money related organizations. In an automated situation, IS review is an extremely powerful and essential action. Generally the IT execution in the banking and budgetary associations is finished by receiving a blend of various procedures †inward turn of events and organization and outsider item advancement and sending. If there should be an occurrence of inside created and sent IT frameworks, IS review will require to be finished by a group of extraordinarily prepared inner or outer auditors.However, it is desirable over have the IS review led with the assistance of reasonable outside offices with the necessary abilities and mastery to guarantee autonomous nature of review. In the event of improvement and arrangement of the IT frameworks by outsiders, the IS review requires to be directed by confided in evaluator/s with abilities and skill, required for the reason. IS review accept more prominent centrality on the grounds that an enormous number of basic and vital money related activities in the banking and monetary area are completely or halfway being taken care of by the electronic systems.There is a noteworthy requirement for deciding the job of IS in banks. This would guarantee the top oversee ment that the IS advancement is the correct way. This would likewise help in investigating the expected and the genuine job of IS in banks. The information on the genuine job of IS in banks would help IS chiefs in overseeing data frameworks by making a decision about the business needs of the IS ventures, related dangers, significance and positioning of IS administrators in hierarchical pecking order, requirement for advancement and adaptability in IS arranging approach, etc.The IS professionals may utilize the factors utilized here for self-assessment and for choosing about the IS improvement. It has be en very much perceived that IS assumes various jobs in various ventures. Be that as it may, there is constrained exploration analyzing the distinctions in the job of IS inside a solitary industry. This examination observationally investigates the distinctions in the job of IS among open, private, and outside boycott. ks. Results demonstrate that while, at present, just private and remote banks have gotten vital focal points utilizing IT, open part banks, albeit late, have additionally understood the significance of IT.It has been observationally demonstrated that the future effect of IS doesn't change fundamentally with the financial gatherings. This recommends IS endeavors placed in by the open segment banks are the correct way and can be required to give them a vital favorable position in future. Remote and private banks, however in the vital gathering today, need to continually saddle IS for key bit of leeway to keep up their position. Continuing upper hand is troublesome, in lig ht of the fact that IS administrators need to ceaselessly assess the bank's applications portfolio regarding innovation and their competitors.Public part banks need to look for approaches to move from help gathering to the key gathering so as to appreciate a vital preferred position from the utilization of IS. So as to accomplish this goal, they may need to detail an alternate IS system in order to make them sufficiently serious to endure. Future exploration could advance reasonable IS techniques for all the three divisions. This paper has attempted to find the banks on the Strategic Grid. Be that as it may, the degree of computerization of different parts of a bank might be extraordinary and consequently their reliance on IT might be different.Future exploration may include finding the different branches and divisions of a bank on the Strategic Grid and recommending a reasonable methodology for the branch. This examination has the constraint that information are gathered uniquely f rom key IT officials. View of the bank's business administrators might be not the same as that of the IT officials. In this manner, future exploration could likewise endeavor acquiring and dissecting the assessment of bank's business administrators and searching for perceptual contrasts, if any.Another intriguing zone of future examination could be to uncover the purposes behind embracing a specific job of IS and to investigate facilitators and inhibitors in utilizing IS for vital use. Employments of data innovation in banking Write your theoretical here. Utilizations of Information Technology in Banks in India While PC without anyone else is the most esteemed development that man has ever practiced, its association with correspondence innovation which is at its apex, has brought one more astonishing expansion to its effectively fantastic capabilities.From the time of Marconi right up 'til the present time , the enhancements that have occurred in the TV , have actually brought the w hole world into an individual’s room. Joining this ground-breaking correspondence condition , the IT has opened conduits for worldwide financial movement. The commitment of financial and political changes that have so far occurred to support worldwide exchange will prove to be fruitful just when banking and the related administrations can find the new patterns. The cutting edge IT has enough abilities to empower banks, budgetary organizations and others to achieve the ideal changes.Banking division changes presented 10 years prior in 1992-93 , have been founded on five basics: 1. Fortifying of prudential standards and market discipline. 2. Suitable reception of International benchmarks. 3. The board of hierarchical change and combination. 4. Mechanical upgradation. 5. Human asset advancement. The Financial Reforms that were started in the mid 90s and the globalization and progression measures got a totally new working condition to the Banks that were till then working in a pr ofoundly secured milieu.Services and items like â€Å"Anywhere Banking†â€Å"Tele-Banking†â€Å"Internet banking†â€Å"Web Banking†, e-banking, internet business, e-business and so on have become the trendy expressions of the day and the Banks are attempting to adapt to the opposition by offering creative and appealingly bundled innovation based administrations to their clients. Save Bank of India established a council under the chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan. The primary errand of the board of trustees was planning of an arrangement for computerization for the period 1990-1994 ( for 5 Years ).For the reason for computerization , the council chose the significant zones identifying with client care , inner dynamic procedure , efficiency and gainfulness. The panel outfitted its report on November 9, 1989 with the accompanying proposals 1. The branches having day by day normal degree of vouchers at more than 750 ought to be automated . 2. Computerizat ion on branch level ought to be accomplished on any of the accompanying premise (i)Selected branches will have on-line terminals with small scale and smaller than usual PCs which will be connected with focal primary edge PC to offer counter assistance and other office-administrations. ii)Personal PCs will be introduced at counters which will be connected with neighborhood. (iii)For third choice , the banks should rely upon Telecom line. 3. The banks ought to bit by bit utilize created gadgets, for example, Photocopier , FAX , Duplicator , Microfilm , Signature Storage , Scanners and so on 4. Non-automated branches can take the administrations of other neighborhood modernized branch/office in the event of significant errand. 5. The clients ought to have the office to course their business to any part of the bank. 6. All-Bank Credit Card ought to be given. . PCs ought to be made bilingual and appropriate preparing courses of action ought to be made to give preparing to staff individua ls. 8. The standard clients ought to be offered On-line office. 9. Like some European nations , there ought to be an arrangement of credit clearing. 10. BANKNET ought to be utilized for interbank and intra bank applications. 11. Every single Regional office and Zonal workplaces to be electronic in a staged way. Rangarajan Committee †1989: A Statistical Analysis Rangarajan Committee ( 1989 ) has concentrated its weight on computerization of banks.A factual examination was additionally made in the report of advisory group. In this investigation ,it was referenced that following employments can be quickly and effortlessly performed at Regional Office/Zonal office level. 1. To find out the terrible and far fetched obligations and to make arrangement for them. 2. To guarantee the sum under Credit Guarantee Schemes of DICGC. 3. To convey , break down and figure the information for exchange plan. 4. To make activity arrangement for recuperation of advances. 5. Work force Information S ystem. 6. Credit Information System. 7. Checking of figures of need division propels. . Combination of proclamations/figures to be sent to the RBI. Present degree of Computerization: Based on the standards turned out to be by Rangarajan Committee (II), 7827 parts of the Public Sector banks were recognized for full branch computerization up to March 2000 of which around 4620 were mechanized as on March 99. In the interim, the systems administration of the as of now electronic branches likewise accepted earnestness and a portion of the Banks have begun between associating their mechanized branches utilizing rented phone lines or Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATS).This is intended to offer a progressively exhaustive assistance to clients and simultaneously give banks better concentrated authority over the branch activities. Starting at now, New Private Sector and Foreign Banks have an edge over Public Sector Banks most definitely. In any case, the last are making immense interests i n innovation. Source:â http://www. shvoong. com/humanities/1748375-applications-data innovation banks-india/#ixzz2ONAVoUdI
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Necessity of Ethics in Criminal Justice
Erazo Criminal Justice April 15, 2013 Prompt: Give a record of the job of morals and its essentialness to the elements of the criminal equity framework in America, and depict its effect on wrongdoing and social control. The Necessity of Ethics in Criminal Justice The job of morals is imperative to the criminal equity framework just as the administration since it helps keeps up social control and wrongdoing control. After some time the job of morals has adjusted in each part of the criminal equity system.Without the job of morals there would be defilement; the law would have small importance since its application would be undependable (reference. ) The criminal equity framework, which works alongside the legislature, has an extraordinary effect of how individuals treat one another, in this way the job of morals isn't just significant for the law yet for society also. Obviously there are contrasts in morals; contingent upon specific occupations ones morals will fluctuate, yet the gener al job of morals is to â€Å"develop individual characteristics, for example, boldness, genuineness, classification, decent conduct censure and model in nature†(refer to 3. It is significant for our protection lawyers, cops, and judges to rehearse the job of morals to keep up a steady criminal equity framework. It is essential to have morals in the criminal equity framework since it forestalls defilement, severity and racial segregation. Without the job of morals, the criminal equity framework would not be the place it’s at today. It submits to the preeminent rule that everyone must follow which falls under the introduction of the constitution which is the Bills of Rights.The Bill of Rights makes a point to secure each citizen’s rights regardless of the sexual orientation, race or other unfair components. The criminal equity framework maintains these elements which diminish debasement, mercilessness and racial separation. There would be defilement in the CJS (C riminal Justice System) by police debasement. There would be police debasement by coercion: requesting cash for not composing traffic tickets, and pay off: tolerating cash in return for not authorizing the law. Police defilement conveys significant expenses in numerous ways.The first method of debasement is that police defilement diminishes the honesty of police authority and stains the picture the general visibility law authorization. People in general anticipate that specialists should be straightforward and to treat everyone similarly. The absence of law requirement includes to the expansion of crime percentages since power is impacting negative conduct by not halting wrongdoing. Furthermore, it secures other crimes that manage prostitution and medications. The police are being paid off of not implementing the law by the trading of cash. Hoodlums offer rewarding wellsprings of salary for composed crime.This implies that a criminal would pay a cop a specific measure of cash to all ow a wrongdoing to occur and the police would forestall law requirement guidelines upon them. What is normally found in police defilement is called opiate debasement. Opiate defilement is â€Å"an unavoidable result of medication enforcement,†(Cliff Notes-Police Corruption. ) Police officials are being offered either rewarding pay or offer a portion of the benefit being produced using the medications that are being brought as a result of the counteraction of law implementation these officials are taking a section of.Providers of these administrations and illicit products use some portion of their benefits to pay off the police so as to guarantee the continuation of criminal ventures. On the off chance that authority isn't giving out the prime case of authorizing the law, what are the desires for the residents tailing them? Police defilement includes to violations, accordingly following the job of morals is carefully essential to forestall episodes of police debasement to con tinue occurring. The job of morals makes a point to lessen police defilement if not kill it.To get the damaging officials, the criminal equity framework holds unique examination commissions and evaluators. Police debasement has been diminished colossally by showing officials the job of morals too. Another motivation behind why the job of morals is essential to the criminal equity framework is a direct result of police fierceness. In the year 1982, the government subsidized an examination named, â€Å"Police Services Study,†in which thirteen percent of 12,000 individuals met were manhandled by police brutality.Studies, for example, the Police Services Study show that most severity is squeezed against minority gatherings (Cliff Notes-Police Brutality. ) Police fierceness connects to racial oppression minority gatherings. There is likewise victimization gay people that are mishandled by cops. At the point when cops are charged in court for ruthlessness, they guarantee that they utilized the hatred of cop and situational factors which implies that they assaulted the criminal in self defense.The way that fierceness is being forestalled isn't just by the job of morals, yet in addition by the inward undertakings unit which implies that units research grumblings against officials to check whether there is any doubts of defilement, gripes of severity or different sorts of inordinate power. After the police beating of Rodney King in 1991, the assessment general position was set up to screen resident grievances managing police ruthlessness and racial separation. What frequently connects to police ruthlessness is racial discrimination.Racial separation is for the most part pointed towards Hispanics and African Americans. An examination done in 1994 through 1995 of a gathering of 90,000 center school and secondary school adolescents were overviewed to perceive how they would end up being in the year 2008. The investigation in 2008 states that most of the young peop le that were overviewed in 1994 that were African Americans had higher insights of being captured, detained, and got long criminal sentences. All things considered, their IQs are lower. (Brain science Today. ) The investigation was progressively centered around the race of the person as opposed to concentrating on if the criminal equity framework was reasonable for each and every one of these people; it was not centered around checking whether the African Americans were segregated or on the off chance that they were manhandled ruthlessness by cops, rather they concentrated on their IQ levels and skin shading as driving variables to perceive any reason why African Americans occupied with savagery more than the normal white man. Criminal Justice cases express that African Americans have confronted segregation since the time of slavery.Ever from that point forward they have been dealt with unreasonably in each part of social components. African Americans have endured segregation as a r esult of their skin shading. The separation of African Americans at first started through the arrangement of subjection, and afterward proceeded onto the example of isolation just as administrative choices that have supported oppression African Americans. Administrative energized segregation of African Americans by considering Africans as property when they were slaves.After slaves were free there was still separation since government didn’t need to give them their privileges. From that point forward African Americans have been battling to be equivalent. Indeed, even hundreds of years after the subjection period, African Americans are as yet being segregated in a social stance as well as in the criminal equity framework too by racial separation. The job of morals attempts to encourage their cops to not be critical in light of a generalization or skin color.They attempt to anticipate if the denounced individual is blameworthy dependent on proof rather than sex, race and financ ial status in cons of on the off chance that they are a minority gathering. The job of morals obviously doesn't just encircle itself by ensuring there is no defilement, severity and race separation, yet additionally it values the manner in which they hold their ethics in the criminal equity framework. There ethics are to create individual characteristics, for example, mental fortitude, trustworthiness, secrecy, and well behaved conduct to everyone associated with the criminal equity system.The advisors that are engaged with the criminal equity framework make a point to keep the charged or crooks individual data classified except if it is an undermining demonstration against someone else or a gathering of individuals. The explanation this ethic is critical to the CJS is provided that the code of secrecy is broken, it couldn't just damage the individual who was sold out however it likewise influences the manner in which society sees the framework. The job of morals impacts the manner in which individuals see society.Even consistently individuals practice the job of morals; it could be in different zones yet they have comparative techniques. It is significant that guard lawyers, judges, and cops submit to the job of morals. Protection lawyers need to submit to the job of morals while shielding the denounced by ensuring they don’t give bogus declaration during their preliminary; this keeps the CJS reasonable. Guard lawyers are relied upon to ensure that the data introduced in court is valid and that the individual denouncing or for the charged is giving genuine data as well.Police officials are required to follow the job of morals too by treating all blamed and casualties by their privileges and to not capture or approach them with mercilessness or capture and treat an individual unjustifiably on account of their race. Judges also are required to follow the code of morals by settling on court choices dependent on the data introduced and not on racial variab les, sex and different components that could influence an individual to be unfair against somebody.The code of morals is significant in wrongdoing and social control since it decreases wrongdoing by building up a stage on which specialists follow to guarantee that everyone being attempted is given an equivalent preliminary. At the point when the criminal equity framework had not set up the code of morals, African Americans and gay people were dealt with mercilessly by police o
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Top 10 Communication Tips 2011 #9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Top 10 Communication Tips 2011 â€" #9 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This is the ninth entry in our “Top 10? list for you to consider when communicating with our office and applying. Number 9 â€" Attend an information session or recruitment event. While I realize not everyone can make it to New York, if you can the best way to obtain information is to attend an information session. If you live nearby or are visiting New York this is probably the best way to learn about our programs and how to put together a competitive application. Due to the large number of visitors and our small staff we are unable to arrange walk in appointments. You are always welcome to visit and someone will assist you, however we are rarely able to provide extensive individual counseling appointments. If you would like to attend an information session, which are held every Monday at 6pm and every Friday at 12pm excluding holidays, it is best to send an email to sipa_admission@columbia.edu and we will respond with a confirmation message and directions. We also attend recruitment events in the U.S. and abroad. You can view our fall 2011 recruitment schedule by clicking here.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should Blood Doping Be Illegal or Legal in Sports
Each year an athletes creativity comes into play to create ways to become the best in his/her competitive sports; especially when one have to use a lot of endurance and energy to win. In order to be the best you have to put in the work. Some athletes do it the hard way, such as eating healthy, exercising and training. Others use the easy way out, engaging with steroids, enhancements, and blood doping to get ahead of the competition. Many professional athletes have taken to the practice of blood doping in order to gain a competitive edge in their field. But there are those who are crying that doing so can have serious consequences not only to the sports world, but to one’s body as well. Sometimes they look for harmful procedures that increase their athletic ability but can potentially do more harm than good. In this argument, I will be discussing called induced erythrocythemia, commonly known as blood doping, which can lead to medical, physical, and psychological problems. In order to understand the positive and negative effect of blood doping to an athlete’s performance, some background information is needed. The general reason why people blood dope is because of the lactic acid build up when doing strenuous sports. If one want to do strenuous workout or exercise, one need a ready supply of oxygen and ATP (adenine triphosphate). When there is lack of oxygen in the body, the muscles are unable to perform at their best potential. When lactic acid builds, it can give youShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Blood Doping On Professional Sports1265 Words  | 6 PagesThe phenomenon of the blood doping in professional sports is not new; however, it remains prevalent in sports culture. With new techniques being designed to avoid detection, it could be argued that the prohibition of sports enhancing drugs in the professional sports mirror the prohibition of alcohol, making for unsafe, unsanitary and black market drug erupt. Instead of prohibition, could th e professional sports community limitations in order to better allocate their money? There are great incentivesRead MoreBlood Doping : Can We Beat It?1347 Words  | 6 PagesBlood Doping: Can We Beat It? All humans, no matter what religion, skin color, age, or gender, have blood streaming through out our bodies. Blood rushes oxygen around the body, pulls carbon dioxide out of the body, sends white blood cells to fight illness and infection, is produced in the bone marrow, carries platelets and fibers that close up wounds, and comes in the types A, B, AB, and O, with type O being a universal blood donor. Blood is not just imperative, it is irreplaceable. Doctors canRead MorePerformance Drugs Should Not Be Legal1498 Words  | 6 PagesPerformance Drugs Should not be Legal The Center for Disease Control and Prevention did a survey on high schoolers grades 9th through 12th and found out the 4.4% to 5.7% of boys and that 1.9% to 3.8% of girls have used illegal steroids (Fernandez and Robert). High schoolers are not the only ones that take performance enhancing drugs, all sorts of athletes and even nonathletes take them. Taking performance enhancing drugs harms the human body in so many different ways like it harms the Hormonal SystemRead MoreDoping And Performance Enhancing Drugs1262 Words  | 6 PagesOn January 17, 2013, Lance Armstrong admitted to doping during his professional cycle careers. He joins other great names; such as Tyson Gay, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, and Alex Rodriguez; all great athletes who have had their reputations tarnished by using performance enhancing drugs (sometimes shortened to PEDs). In his interview with Opera Winfrey, Armstrong stated that â€Å"I didn t view [doping] [as cheating]. I viewed it as a level playing fiel d†(Lance). With this statement, Armstrong is declaringRead MoreSports Will Either Be A School Of Virtue Or A School Of1254 Words  | 6 PagesSports will either be a school of virtue or a school of vice, and that s why the epidemic of cheating in professional sports is, and ought to be, a huge cultural concern†(Landry, 2012, para. 1). Professional sports are littered with cheating scandals and as technology advances so will access to new and clever techniques. There are many ways to cheat in sports, such as fixing games, placing bets on teams, lying about your age, and the biggest one of them all, taking performance enhancing substancesRead MoreSay No to Doping!1042 Words  | 4 PagesDoping in sports has been one of the most discussed issues by the world; either by the free writers or the body of agencies related with sports. The discussion about this kind of issue has started long time ago but it became more controversial and intense when Lance Armstrong, who won the 2002 Tour de France by leaving his nearest rival 7 seconds behind, failed the drug test (Cashmore) . Ellis Cashmore, a professor of culture, media, and sports at Staffordshire University in the United KingdomRead MoreThe Use of Ergogenic Compounds to Improve Athletic Performance1609 Words  | 7 Pagesthey give an improved performance and an advantage over others. Some of these Ergogenic aids are legal and some are not. These range from accepted usage like carbohydrate loading to illegal, unsafe using like anabolic androgenic steroid use. Ergogenic aids are substances that enhance natural physiological processes that create physical power. Examples of this could be blood doping. Physiological aids aim to enhance physiological processes that occur naturally in the body. Read MoreDrugs Should Be Banned For Professional Sports1211 Words  | 5 PagesDrug Use In Sports Ninety-eight percent of professional athletes say that they would take performance enhancing drugs if they didn’t have a chance of getting caught. Performance enhancing drugs, or PEDs, or steroids, have been around since 776 BC when the Greeks would use them to improve their performance in the Olympic Games. During World War II, the Germans, including Hitler, would take steroids to make themselves stronger and more aggressive. The Americans, British, and Japanese also began toRead MoreShould Blood Doping Be Legal?1836 Words  | 8 PagesBlood doping creates unneeded risk and endangers an athlete’s life for a slightly increased chance of winning a competition. This practice should remain banned and athletes should seek alternative practices that do not come with unusual added health risks. Though there are logical arguments for each side, there is more evidence to support the argument that blood doping should not be legal in athletic competitions. There is too much ri sk involved for the reward to be so miniscule. Blood transfusionsRead MoreThe Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs Within Sports1966 Words  | 8 PagesEnhancing Drugs within Sports Do you want to want to become the peak athlete that you know your body is capable of? Well, this paper will not do that for you, but it will tell you how, and it will tell you why it should be legal to do so. Doping in sports is one of the most extensive debates within the realm of athletics. Whether it be injecting anabolic steroids, consuming them, or blood doping, athletes will do drugs. Doping has no effect on the viewership of the sport. Athletes can always
Monday, May 11, 2020
Prohibition Minimum Drinking Ages - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 320 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Lowering The Drinking Age Essay Did you like this example? Since the Prohibition many politicians, scholars, and parents have debated the drinking age. Should the drinking age be 21 or should we lower it to 18? Allowing 18 to 20 year olds to drink in regulated environments with supervision would decrease unsafe drinking activity. Prohibiting them this right only leads to them feeling like they need to make up for lost time and them binge drinking at parties and partaking in unsafe behavior. Parents, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how and when their offspring should be permitted to drink. Intelligent parents dont let alcohol become a big deal, a mystery or a battleground. They teach its perils, but its pleasures, too. For so many, alcohol is seen as the forbidden fruit and thus making it that much more attractive to the already vulnerable teens and adolescents. By giving teens and adolescents the right consume alcohol, you are allowing them the right to learn how to drink gradually, safely and in moderation, and allowing parents to supervise and guide them through the effects of alcohol. Granted, many teens have snuck a drink or two here and there but what happens when they go off to college and have unlimited access? They binge because they dont have anyone there to guide them or cut them off and they practice unsafe drinking habits, which can lead to serious health concerns or life altering situations. Sure, parents can stress the importance of drinking safely but how can they truly be certain how alcohol will effects their child without being there to supervise them? Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Prohibition: Minimum Drinking Ages" essay for you Create order Allowing parents the right to choose when their children experience alcohol, ensures that parents can teach their child, just like have done the past 18 years, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Instead of hoping that our children will remember the words we spoke about how alcohol can affect them, lets teach them and guide them through experience.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bowling Alone Free Essays
This essay deals with the correlation between a healthy, progressive society and one that is engaged civilly with sociological matters and ties. The statistics expressed in Putnam’s essay show a rather rapid decline in our societies’ civil engagement in the last quarter century. Putnam emphasizes the valiant importance of a strong and active society for growth and development in a democracy. We will write a custom essay sample on Bowling Alone or any similar topic only for you Order Now Without further social development Americans could deteriorate their once strong, socially engaged society down to a individualistic democracy that would shatter our national image.Putnam’s essay is titled, â€Å"Bowling Alone†, he gives emphasis, and depth to this title in several different ways throughout his article. Perhaps, the most interesting and whimsical piece of information that he shares though is a bowling statistic. More contemporary Americans are bowling than ever before in history, although, bowling in organized leagues has plummeted in the last decade. Between 1980 and 1993 the total number of bowlers in America increased by 10 percent, while league bowling decreased by 40 percent.This statistic, that shows the rise of solo bowling threatens the very, livelihood of bowling business proprietors because many of those people who bowl as members of leagues consume three times as much beer and pizza. Common knowledge then comes into play, the profit money in bowling does not derive from the balls and shoes but rather the other expenditures such as, beer and pizza. The broader social significance, in this matter though, however lies in the social communication and conversations that can derive from beer and pizza, as compared to solo bowlers.Putnam offers other information that supports h is claim, besides bowling statistics. In some parts of the essay, he shares that organizational groups, as a whole have experienced a massive decline in new membership, over the last quarter century. Church-related groups are the most common type of organization joined by Americans, women especially. Other examples of popular organizations frequently joined by Americans are, school service groups, sports groups, professional societies, literary groups, labor unions, fraternal groups, and veterans’ groups. All of these organizational groups share one common trait, a decline in new membership.There are consequences that ensue after a society begins, to lose it civilly engaged citizens, for private, less trusting ones. In a survey done, over 35 countries, it shows that social trust and civic engagement are strongly correlated. The greater the amount of associational membership in a society, the more trusting its citizens, are likely to be. Trust and engagement are two components of the same underlying factor, social capital. America is still ranked relatively high by cross-national standards in both areas of social capital; and its citizens are more trusting and more engaged than people in most other parts of the world, still.What, these trends show in the past quarter- century, however, have placed United States significantly lower in the international rankings of social capital. An alarming possibility that this information provides is in another quarter-century at this rate of change, America could be roughly equivalent to South Korea, Belgium, or Estonia today. Two generations’ decline at the same rate would leave the United States at the level of today’s Chile, Portugal, and Slovenia. Putnam does not offer any concrete solutions to these current trends, but he shares his advice and wisdom on such a complex problem.Giving more responsibility to the institutions that raise our children could be the an swer. Perhaps finding new ways to reach younger generations at a more significant point in childhood could curve this trend. For example, instituting more programs and organizations rather than the typical sports or academic activities, offered. Reshaping the classroom and offering more social progressive classes could play a significant role in instilling a strong social reinforcing importance to a young person. Another possibility for a helpful change in this current trend could be given in a representative media source, for the people, by the people.There is no doubt that our current media today seems to be a giant circus that focuses only on irrelevant issues and seeks only high ratings. Perhaps, a media source that actually is not focused on getting ratings or pushing certain agendas on Americans could be the answer. Most news sources today seem to disinterest many Americans with blown up stories, and each stations political ideologies. Creating a station with no bias, giving direct information to the people about real issues in this country could generate more interest in our country’s politics.Television has the ability to reach more people than any other source in the world, why not use it to reach the social outcry in America? and be a solution rather than the problem. In conclusion, Putnam’s essay offers a non-bias factual account of a growing problem that future generations may face. There is no clear solution to this debate, what is clear though, however, is the significance of this issue. To solve this, it will take many solutions and variables. Counter trends have shown what lies ahead, new social groups must take the supremacy and give it power. How to cite Bowling Alone, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Role Of Television Play In Society Essays - , Term Papers
Role Of Television Play In Society What role does television play in society? For decades we have seen many parts of our world rapidly going through changes in technology. Todays society has been transformed by means of communication and the available information through mass media. Most Americans rely on television for news, sports, and entertainment. Television is just one of the many examples of how technology has changed our lives. Since the invention of the television in the early 1900s, it has played a very important role in our lives. Having a television set in the home has become very essential in todays society. We depend on it to entertain us with its sitcoms and to inform us about current world issues. The problem is that sometimes what we hear or see on television is not always accurate or correct. Sometimes news stories give us the wrong information and we believe that it is true because it is being said on television. They may give you a story, but they may leave out some details to prove their point or to make the story more interesting. According to Neil Postman in Future Shlock, Americans are among the most ill-informed people in the world (676). He goes on to say that Television, in other words, is not the great information machine. It is the great disinformation machine (677). I agree with his statements because TV tends to mislead us with its stories. I also believe he says that we are among the most ill-informed people because we tend to want to watch the entertainment shows and not tune it to the ne ws broadcasts so we are not informed about what is going on in our world. We complain that there arent enough intelligent people in the world and yet we are being misinformed by what is supposed to be our main source of information. Another way television misleads its viewers is by the way that they present candidates for an election of politicians. They spend all their time and money trying to put together a commercial that only puts down the other candidate. How are voters supposed to know whom to vote for if all they are presented with is negative ideas about each candidate? Television also tries to persuade us to vote for a certain proposition. Voters are also lured into voting for or against a proposition by listening to the music being played in the background of the commercial. An example of this type of situation may be the campaign on proposition 5 dealing with the Indian Casinos. They play sad, and convincing, music in the background of their commercial so the viewers can soften their hearts and vote yes on their proposition. Television is powerful enough to make our shopping easier. Actually, it is making us lazier. TV shows such as the Home Shopping Network make shopping as easy as dialing some numbers on a touch tone phone. People are also convinced to buy a certain product because a celebrity is presenting it. For example: if supermodel Cindy Crawford presents make-up, ladies will buy it and wear it because they believe that it will make them look like her. As a television viewer myself, I believe that television has us all trapped in a world where we believe everything that is being said. As technology keeps advancing there will be less tasks for us to do. Television is one of the many advances in technology that has made our lives easier, or should I say it has made us lazier? Whether that is good or bad, I dont know, but what I do know is that technology is robbing us of our ability to think for ourselves. Social Issues
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Drown Essays - Drown, Junot Daz, American Literature, Fiction
Drown Essays - Drown, Junot Daz, American Literature, Fiction Drown The story of immigrant struggles is the major theme in Drown by Junot Diaz. Every immigrant has a personal story, pains and joys, fears and victories, and Daz portrays much of his own story of immigrant life in Drown, a collection of 10 short stories. This book captures the fury and alienation of the Dominican immigrant experience very well. Other immigrants' grief's also come up in Daz's short stories. My argument for this paper delves with the question of is this book merely storytelling or is it autobiographical? Also, it seemed to me as if he uses some symbols and specific words (mostly verbs) to express himself in a manner which the reader can almost feel the story as if it were real. The book tells of the barrios of the Dominican Republic and the struggling urban communities of New Jersey. This book is very strong and these stories tell of a sense of discovery from a young man's perspective. It seems as though for the immigrants, even when things are at their best, a high probability of calamity looms just around the corner. Uncertainty is the only certainty for these outsiders, who live in communities that, are separated from all the other communities by a six-lane highway and the dump. It tells of a world in which fathers are gone; mothers fight with determination for their families and themselves. Drown brings out the conflicts, yearnings, and frustrations that have been a part of immigrant life for centuries. Diaz himself lived in such a world. In each of his stories Diaz uses a first-person narrator who is observing others. Boys and young drug dealers narrate eight of these tales. Their struggles shift from life in the barrios of the Dominican Republic to grim existence in the slums of New Jersey. These young boys could be the voice of Junot Diaz himself. If so, why would the book be a fiction? The characters in these stories wrestle with recognizable traumas. Yunior and Rafa in Ysrael and Fiesta 1990 confront the pain of growing up, the loss of innocence, and how misfortune just happens to fall upon them. In Drown, Edison, New Jersey, Aurora, we glimpse into anger stemming from unearned suffering, the embarrassment of poverty, the confusion of loving a Crackhead, and shock of reality. Drown tells of an impoverished, fatherless youth in the Dominican Republic and his struggle with immigrant life in New Jersey. It shows pain and suffering very accurately. The last and longest of the stories, Negocios, reconstructs the adventures of Ramon, the father who left his wife and children behind to try to make it in the States. It is told from the point of Yunior, the youngest son. Negocios, points up this collection's one weakness. It is a chronicle of his father's immigration, remarriage and, finally, the rescuing of his children and first wife from their bleak life in the Dominican Republic. In this book, words used show lots of meaning (strong use of verbs). By doing this Diaz has managed to physically imprint the reality of his characters so as to make them seen. The characters step out of the plots so vibrantly real. What I enjoyed about this book is that there was no use of Italics or any other editorial assistance for the reader. This showed me that he is taking a stand against the use of Italics. It's almost as though Diaz is writing in a diary and there is no need for such things. Also, these stories are not read like stories, they are more like a sociological study. The feelings and the observations jump off the page so much so that the stories appear very much autobiographical. Again bringing up the point of whether it should be classified fiction or non-fiction. Daz never loses sight of the telling details of immigrant life stateside. He describes food from the perspective of a Dominican boy who eats only boiled yucca and platano. The yucca and platano is a symbol of his poverty and hunger in Aguantando. Then he writes about everyone getting obese in America; even the immigrants themselves. This simple abundance of food gets to the imagination of immigrants, enduring for many years as
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Irregular Latin Verb Sum To Be
The Irregular Latin Verb Sum To Be The Latin word sum is perhaps among the best known of all the Latin verbs and it is among the hardest to learn. Sum is the present indicative tense of the verb esse, meaning to be. As with many other living and dead languages, esse is one of the oldest verb forms in Latin, one of the most frequently used of the verbs, one of the most irregular verbs in Latin and related languages. It is also often contracted in casual use (such as in English Im, thats, theyre, hes), becoming almost invisible to the listener. Etymology The progenitor form of to be is in the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language, the parent language of Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Iranian, Germanic, and indeed most of the languages spoken in all of Europe, India, and Iran. Each of the PIE languages has a form of to be, perhaps because it is so eminently useful: sometimes to be can have an existential significance (To be or not to be, I think therefore I am), but also retains its use in everyday language. In etymological circles, to be is the b-root word, and like all of the b-roots probably is derived from an ancient PIE root, today reconstructed as *h1à ©s-mi (I am). It is also possible that to be in Latin derives from the root word *bhuH- meaning to grow. Other closely related words to esse are asmi in Sanskrit and eÃ… ¡mi in Hittite. Conguating Sum Mood Tense Person Singular Plural indicative Present First sum sumus Second es estis Third est sunt Imperfect First eram eramus Second eras eratis Third erat erant Future First ero erimus Second eris eritis Third erit erunt Perfect First fui fuimus Second fuisti fuistis Third fuit fuerunt Pluperfect First fueram fueramus Second fueras fueratis Third fuera fuerant Future Perfect First fuero fuerimu Second fueris fueritis Third fuerit fuerint Subjunctive Present First sim simus Second sit sitis Third sit sint Imperfect First essem essemus Second esses essetis Third esset essent Perfect First fuerim fuerimus Second fueris fueritis Third fuerit fuerint Pluperfect First fuissem fuissemus Second fuisses fuissetis Third fuisset fuissent Irregular Verbs and Compounds There are several other Latin irregular verbs and compound verbs formed from sum. Eo - to go Fio - to become nolo, nolle, nolui - to be unwilling and malo, malle, malui to prefer are similar. Volo - to wish Fero - to carry Sum - to becompounds: adsum, desum, insum, intersum, praesum, obsum, prosum, subsum, supersum Do - to give Edo - to eat
Monday, February 17, 2020
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Business Ethics - Essay Example I saw the wrong doing of our boss. I was discussed by his action, but there no witnesses except the two people involved and myself. I saw the event from far away. I decided to take a stand against the abuser. I told human resources about it. Our boss did not like my position, she said I wasn’t even there and you did not hear the other person involved complaining. I was made out to be liar. I only lasted an extra month at that job. Relativism perspective basically says that the ethical standards and views of a person are created depending on his own perspective of the situation. I had a car accident about four months ago. I was hit from behind by a car. To me it was simple the person bumped me because he did not keep distance so he was liable. The person who hit my car did not see it that way. His point of view was that I stopped suddenly and my pressing on the brakes cause the accident. Both views might have been right depending on the perspective of the person analyzing the situation. Fortunately the insurance company ruled in my favor. 2. Pick one of the readings from the Harvard Business Review text and discussed what was learned from the reading. Learned can also mean a â€Å"relighting†of something known but forgotten. Then discuss how you could/would use this knowledge in a professional or personal setting. The conflicts a managers faces regarding ethical issues in the workplace are numerous and constant occurrences. The decision making process requires the professional to take into consideration all aspects of the action, but they should remind themselves that the action itself requires a decision based solely on the act without putting unnecessary emphasis on factors such as the consequences of revealing an unethical act to the public. When working in a team environment I would lead a team by emphasizing honesty within the actions of the team. If somebody does not meet expectations the person should be honest about it or should be
Monday, February 3, 2020
Threat of migration as a core feature of the demographic landscape Essay
Threat of migration as a core feature of the demographic landscape - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that perhaps the biggest threat that migrant children face is that of child labor and trafficking. Due to lack of awareness, migrant children are known to be easy prey for child traffickers. In most cases, such children are lured with the promise of a good life elsewhere but most of them end up as being sex slaves while the boy children end up in construction and agriculture in some nations. In some Caribbean nations, some agencies came up to the children of migrants offering to reunite them with their parents. The children transit in such journeys without any adult accompaniment and this makes them vulnerable to child traffickers. Even after being united with their parents, some parents and especially mothers end up encouraging their daughters to participate in the sex trade for to help in paying the family bills.In conclusion, most families from third world nations have used migration as a means for economic survival. While parents who have migrated abroad i ncrease the remittances to their families, research has continually shown that such a move presents numerous threats to children. In most cases, the children who have been left behind are placed in a situation that increases their vulnerability something that has a negative effect on their psychological wellness. In addition to this, such children are vulnerable to abuse as well as misuse. Even the migrant children are not left out as they suffer the threat of sexual exploitation, child labor, and trafficking.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Reviewing Somerset Maugham The Short Story English Literature Essay
Reviewing Somerset Maugham The Short Story English Literature Essay W. Somerset Maughams The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham are two self-compiled volumes filled with literary sketches from his travels around the world. Through careful observation, Maughams keen insight into human nature proves a most interesting topic choice. Written in a meticulous structure, he writes the same old story in a raw and riveting way. While working as a doctor in the slums of London, he came into contact with less than reputable characters, some of which intrigued him. These initial experiences with colorful individuals seemed to be the origination for his interest in human nature. Maugham was interested in controversial topics like adultery and prostitution, but I believe any culture that was different than his own simply evoked strong feelings of curiosity. When possible, he leapt to explore those circumstances, hence his famed short stories compiled from his travels around the world. Maugham writes of his travels more than any other topic throughout his oeuvre. Because his writing gave him freedom to travel, Maugham was able to witness notoriously historical settings in his lifetime. Most transcribed in his short stories are these accounts of colonized areas in the Far East. India and Asia, colonized by Britain during the time of his travels, were lands filled with interesting people waiting for their story to be told. Through others stories, he wrote first-person narratives unique to this time. And while each sole story was distinctive, two common threads united them all together: its capturer, Maugham, and foreign lands. Maugham was able to illustrate the setting of the early twentieth century in a way unlike any other author. Not until after delving into the collection did I read the preface which explains exactly how and why the collection was constructed. Maugham states that his short stories are actually notes taken while traveling on particular instances and accounts of people that interested him. His intention was to revise his notes upon returning home, and to transform them into classical short stories with better narrative than originally found in his notes. When observing the notes, Maugham found they had a vividness which I might easily lose if I tried to elaborate them. His notes stayed as they were and he took on the famed reputation for having a plain prose. Maughams notable style was formed when he wrote for Cosmopolitan Magazine. He was required to integrate his stories into allotted space; therefore he had to write an interesting story with succinct language. This can prove to be difficult and is similar to poetry in the sense that certain adverbs and adjectives are stripped away to achieve the most profound story possible. Because of Maughams circumstances, he employed discretion when choosing his verbiage. Combing his work forced him to consciously mold his writing style, and to make his stories concise without making the monthly story tedious. This makes any writer more familiar with and ultimately superior in their craft. What the public got was a refined and pithy account of Maughams scrupulous narratives. His plain prose style, being bare in language, dated in setting, and having the common theme of human nature became a sure-tale sign of his work. Maughams decision to keep his notes raw makes them a refreshing alternative to the embellished stories of his peers. While some authors write more colorfully and in detail than Maugham, they elaborate and strip the stories of je ne sais quoi that can be found in raw, frank art. While some may view this is bland reporting, it captures an element which refined stories lack. His notes, or stories, resemble photographs in that they are snapshots of the setting. The works of his peers are like paintings, which are manipulated by the artists to appear in a perfect manner born from the authors view. Underneath the initial image of his work, like photographs, there is an ethereal quality. The connotation of foreign land accompanied by the time of the colonized Far East makes this possible. His style creates an unadulterated rapport with his readers. True entertainment lies within a story, and the means of telling it is merely taste. I admire Maugham for being undaunted by his competitors styles. His lack of elaboration to engage a reader is bold. The purpose for some artists, as Maugham does, is to find the extraordinary in the everyday. Maugham goes on to explain that stories generally are seen as dull, to a writer, can be seen as intriguing. This is what makes a talented artist perfect for their work. They are able to observe minute details and make them apparent for those who cannot do this. His stories are entertaining and well written, despite what critics or Maugham himself may say. In a self-deprecating quote, Maugham states that his limited vocabulary and lack of creative metaphors within his stories is the cause for harsh literary criticism. Maugham describes his opinion of a true story to include a beginning, middle and end. He states that popular writings of his day are to begin a story at any point and to end inconclusively. He believed this willy-nilly approach is not truly a story and that there must be structure. He believed a reader is only satisfied when there is a conclusion and sense of closure. Maugham also believed that his peers were inclined to write of perilous stories to intrigue their readers, but he could make everyday just as intriguing. He was behind his times and was enthralled by the past ways of writing. His work was said to have a plain prose style which was contradictory to his peers experimental literary styles. Interestingly I made the observation when reading his short stories of how matter-of-factly they had been written. This is what happened here, is often his message. This style of Maughams is what I like, but can also tire of. It is interesting and crisp, and all the adjectives and metaphors are stripped away. I am prone to concise information, and Maughams work is the base for plain prose indeed. Of course, one will tire of such bare language and crave something more colorful and exciting, which is why his style can eventually make the reader restless. Like bread, it is enough for sustenance, but with the lure of near-by fruit, who could stay on bread forever? Maugham is a unique unabashed writer whose style and diction I enjoy because it is not often heard today. It is rare and delicate and is novelty for modern readers. It is not necessary for a story to contain the dramatic plot of all fictions, as Maugham has proven over the years. Because he was true to his form, he should be respected by all. Work Cited Maugham, W. Somerset. The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Doubleday: New York, 1952. Hastings, Selina. The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham. John Murray. London, 2009. Rowland Egger, Roland. The Administrative Novel. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 53, No. 2 (Jun., 1959), pp. 448-455
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Battle Of The Somme
The Battle of the Somme started in July 1, 1916 and lasted until November 1916 between France and Germany. History considers this battle as the bloodiest of all battles in World War I. In the article â€Å"The Battle of the Somme†, the historical perspective of the Battle is outlined. This battle traces its origins from the many severe losses that the French had been experiencing at Verdun – to the east of Paris.The British Allied High Command, taking sympathy with the French losses, decided to attack the Germans to the north of Verdun thereby driving the Germans away from the Verdun battlefield.The battle at the Somme started with a weeklong artillery bombardment of the German lines where an estimated 1. 7 million shells were fired. By November 1916, when the battle ended, the British had lost 420,000, the French lost nearly 200,000 men and the Germans 500,000. (â€Å"The Battle of Somme†) Many historians agree that the neither the French and British nor the Ger mans won in this costliest battle to date. For many years, those who led the British campaign have received a lot of criticism for the way the Battle of Somme was fought – especially Douglas Haig.(â€Å"The Battle of the Somme†). This criticism was based on the many lives that were lost in the battle and the insignificant gains that either parties got in exchange for those massive losses. The British and French captured only a little more than five miles (8 km) at the deepest point of penetrationâ€â€well short of their original objectives. The British themselves had gained approximately only two miles and lost about 420,000 soldiers in the process, meaning that a centimeter cost about two men.(â€Å"Battle of Somme†) What does this tell us? There are no victors in wars, only losers. This fact bears tremendous implications not only on Western civilization but on all civilizations that wage wars against one another. BIBLIOGRAPHY Battle of the Somme. Wikipedia. 2000. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Somme) Sheffield, Gary. The Somme, Cassell, 2003. The Battle of the Somme. 2000. (http://www. historylearningsite. co. uk/somme. htm)
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Unanswered Questions on Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics
Unanswered Questions on Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics The Lost Secret of Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics There's a start and an end. The feud between the families appears to be an ever-present concern for those characters. The farewell party is become a burial ceremony. Finally the Nurse tells her the excellent news that wedding will occur in the evening. Facts, Fiction and Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics Emotionally-loaded vocabulary ought to be avoided. There's also a sentence in the paragraph that has an extremely informal tone and doesn't properly fit within a part of academic writing. You might accomplish it by starting each paragraph with a concise sentence that connects it with this issue of the previous one. Introductory paragraph The introductory paragraph should also incorporate the thesis statement, a type of mini-outline for the essay This is the point where the writer grabs the. How to Find Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics on th e Web Plagiarism is a sin and it's a huge no-no in anything. Worst case scenario, you'll be sued for plagiarism and will most likely be requested to pay some kind of fine. From an overall topic, make it even more specific in order for your task will be easier. Perhaps what it is that you are explaining is especially challenging to comprehend, and your work is intended to help it become accessible. Today, jobs have become scarce. Gossip, Lies and Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics Instead, you're going to be in a position to demonstrate the ability to perform investigative research. These steps are essential for generating new ideas, which may be beneficial for the study of the subject issue. As soon as you become popular with a specific source, you can heavy a superior supply of revenue. The primary purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research or experimentation in order to be such information readily available to the remainder of the scholarly world. The Downside Risk of Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics The Writing Center has resources to help you in numerous facets of scholarly writing. Warrant is another reg ion of the framework. Children usually think of things in considerably more black and white terms. Should you need more writing help, look at these articles about prewriting, writing in third individual, and the way to compose a wonderful opening to your paper. At the same time that you may discover dozens of newspaper reports and a very good handful of magazine articles, you might not be in a position to discover a peer-reviewed academic article devoted to your topic. In truth, it has been the topic of more than a few books over the previous several decades. Writing an academic paper permits the student to create analytical abilities, together with the ability to recognize the principal ideas and to show the hypothesis or supposition with suitable arguments. Students may also hunt for college scholarships from organizations in which they're involved. As a student, you will most likely be asked to do a little bit of write-up and some class simple reports also. Without regard to the content, however, students are expected to compose their academic papers in a scholarly way. By making a strict schedule for the whole period of your assignment can greatly decrease the stresses many students face on a daily basis. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. You have to use three quotes to back up your answer. You can also see what are the pieces of an essay. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to locate some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. In some sorts of writing, the thesis alwayscomes at the start of the essay. A Romeo and Juliet essay can change this type of thinking in a person. This essay examines the explanations for why assignment essays are beneficial for student learning and considers a number of the difficulties with this technique of assessment. For this, you need to know how to compose a scholarly essay. The full essay needs to be relevant to it. Scholarly writing calls for a different set of standards than other sorts of writing. The characters are also appealing since they are simple to relate to. There are various types of writing examples which you could be requested to write. Select an impersonal fashion of writing. Who Else Wants to Learn About Romeo and Juliet Scholarly Essay Topics? Your personal, professional, and academic background might be a rich supply of material for your own personal essay. As you might never find an entire article devoted to the particular issue you want to cover, it's possible to still find peer-reviewed academic sources that will provi de you with a solid historical, cultural, scientific, or worldwide background. You should probably seek the advice of your instructor regarding how you should go about adding primary sources. Kinds of papers vary in line with the class content.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Theories And Techniques Of Family Counseling - 1307 Words
Malky Fried September 20,2015 Professor Kivelevitz Theories and Techniques of Family Counseling Reflections on your Family of Origin It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. -Johann Schiller Probably the strongest influence in our lives is the family we grew up in. Our birth order, the personalities of our parent(s), the way we were treated by our siblings, the socioeconomic status of the family, their education, the place we lived  all of these shaped us at the time when we were most vulnerable to being shaped. The big picture of the patterns and significant themes in my family of origin is that there are issues of relative closeness of relationships within the various generations of the several nuclear families and to some extent across the boundaries of the nuclear families. For the most part, these relationships are not problematic or pathological, but the graphic representation reflects personal observations and assessments of the emotional ties that exist in the family unit. This relationship pattern can be linked, to my role as, parent, spouse and potential mental health counselor. There were many patterns that I noticed while generating this assignment. One of the most prominent patterns I became aware of is that the mothers of the last three generations married at a young age. I noticed that this pattern caused different attachment styles between the mother and the child of the family.Show MoreRelatedCounseling Assessment, Interventions And Results And Follow Up882 Words  | 4 PagesCounselors keep notes to document their counseling assessment, interventions and results and follow-up. Case notes are a memory aid used during a counseling session to record the conversation for consultation or to help facilitate referrals (Jacobs Schimmel, 2013). 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